Leaf Feeding Insects in Turf and the Magic Bullet
Leaf feeding insects in turfgrass are often overlooked threats or treated indiscriminately with broad-spectrum insecticides. This one hour lecture covers three of the most common turf insect pests found in the mid-Atlantic region in the context of an Integrated Pest Management program. The biology and behavior of each insect will be profiled as well as insect identification tips, damage assessments, scouting tools and techniques, and management practices to include all chemical, biological, and cultural controls.
Richard J. Buckley, Ph.D.
Richard Buckley is the Director of the New Jersey Agricultural Experimental Station Soil Testing and Plant Diagnostic Services at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. He received his BS in Entomology and Plant Pathology from the University of Delaware and MS in Turfgrass Pathology from Rutgers that led to his current position. Mr. Buckley is an instructor in the Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School and teaches courses in diseases and insect pests of turfgrass and ornamental plants.