Diseases of Tall Fescue: 2020 and Beyond
Tall fescue is routinely recommended for lawn and landscape turf in the mid-Atlantic and Northeast regions due to its heat and drought tolerance, insect and disease resistance, and need for less fertilizer and irrigation than other cool-season turfgrass species. Every silver lining has a touch of gray, however, and tall fescue has a disease Achilles heel that was exposed during the hot, wet summer of 2020. This 60-minute lecture covers the three key diseases of tall fescue in a lawn care setting. Proper identification and control, including all cultural, chemical, and biological options within the context of proper Integrated Pest Management practice, will be discussed.
Richard J. Buckley, Ph.D.
is the director of the Plant Diagnostic Lab and Nematode Detection Service at the Ralph Geiger Turfgrass Education Center at Rutgers University in New Jersey, specializing in in plant assessment, diagnosis, diseases, insects, and recommendations for resolving plant problems.