LCA Pesticide and Fertilizer Recertification Conference
Registration Fees
Register by January 31, 2021, for early-bird savings!
Member: Early-Bird – $95 | Regular – $135
Nonmember: Early-Bird –$145 | Regular – $185
If you intend to register more than three individuals from your company, please contact Julianne Clarke - [email protected] (301) 948-0810 for assistance.
Conference Sessions
Click here for credit information.
Aquatics—Water Quality
Kelly Billing, Aquatic Plant Specialist
This session will offer practical alternatives to chemical controls for the improvement of water quality in ponds, lakes, and stormwater basins. From aeration to shoreline erosion and floating wetlands, to nutrient management—it's denitrification through beautification.
Blasted Insects for 2021
Stanton Gill, University of Maryland Extension
See what our field research has come up with dealing with established pests and new invasive pests in the landscape.
The Cicadas are Coming!
Mike Raupp, University of Maryland
Time to get prepared for trillions of periodical cicadas that will appear in May of 2021 in the mid-Atlantic region. Find out what to expect in terms of timing, biology, injury they will cause, and management. The arrival of these insects is often quite disturbing for many people. Learn key steps to take before they arrive next spring to cut down on the hysteria.
Common Yet Difficult Landscape Weeds!!
Hanna Mathers, Ohio State University
New research to find successful weed controls in landscape beds will be discussed, along with weed traits that increase their difficulty and are used for their identification. Fourteen common but challenging weeds from six prominent families will be presented with controls.
Diseases of Tall Fescue: 2020 and Beyond
Richard J. Buckley, Rutgers University
Tall fescue is routinely recommended for lawn and landscape turf in the mid-Atlantic and Northeast due to its heat and drought tolerance, insect and disease resistance, and need for less fertilizer and irrigation than other cool-season species. Every silver lining has a touch of gray, however, and tall fescue has a disease Achilles heel that was exposed during the hot, wet summer of 2020. This 60-minute lecture covers the three key diseases of tall fescue in a lawn care setting. Proper identification and control, including all cultural, chemical, and biological options within the context of proper IPM practice, will be discussed.
Landscape Diseases - A 2020 Recap
Dave Clement, University of Maryland Extension
Karen Rane, University of Maryland Extension
Spots, blights, wilts and root rots–trees and shrubs suffered from several diseases in 2020. Learn how to recognize and deal with these common and not-so-common diseases, and what to expect in 2021.
New Herbicides and New Uses
Hanna Mathers, Ohio State University
There are several new herbicides that have been released in the landscape market over the past 10 years. However, few landscapers are taking advantage of the increased control and reduced injury provided by these, versus the old standby products. Five new granular formulations and one new liquid combination from recent MI Specialty Crop Block Grant research will be discussed. Additionally, we will cover new ways of using these products and where they fit best in your weed control program.
Nutrient Management
Chuck Schuster, University of Maryland Extension
A good balance is so Important for nutrient management. Turf managers primarily focus on the nitrogen phosphate and potash the turf needs. But there are other concerns that need to be addressed. This presentation will help all that manage turf determine if other nutrients are needed.
Right of Way Applications
Chuck Schuster, University of Maryland Extension
Pesticide application in right of ways requires care with regard to products selected and methods used. This seminar will discuss the latest information on application methods and chemicals. Discussion will include preventing overapplication of chemicals that will cause large areas of no soil cover, leading to potential erosion. A review of the region’s approved chemicals will be included.
Update on Fertlizer Applicator Requirements for MD
Judy McGowan, Maryland Department of Agriculture, Nutrient Management Program
Update on Fertlizer Applicator Requirements and General Updates from DC