New Herbicides and New Uses
There are several new herbicides that have been released in the landscape market over the past 10 years. However, few landscapers are taking advantage of the increased control and reduced injury provided by these, versus the old standby products. Five new granular formulations, and one new liquid combination from recent MI Specialty Crop Block Grant research, will be discussed. Additionally, we will cover new ways of using these products and where they fit best in your weed control program.
Dr. Hannah Mathers
has over twenty-eight years of experience and training in weed control in landscape and nursery crops, and is accomplished in herbicide chemistry, plant physiology, and various horticultural crops. For the past six years, Hannah has been employed as an independent researcher/expert and owner of Mathers Environmental Science Services, LLC. Before that she was a professor at Ohio State University and the Ohio Nursery and Landscape State Extension specialist.